Norizam Tukiman or ‘Zamsaham’, owner of Kelantan FC wants the owner of Erfan Gym And Fitness to submit proof of funds to manage the club and require a minimum of RM15 million if one intends to buy the Kelantan FC taking into account the operating costs and support money.
“There are people offering to buy RM10 million. Insha-Allah I will sell it to brother Erfan, he just gave ‘proof of fund’ to prove that he is really serious.” Zamsaham said in Facebook
“Give ‘proof of fund’, and I will continue the ‘deal’. If not ‘off’,”
However, Norizam explained that he would still meet the two prospective buyers in the near future.
“InsyaAllah, today I will go to Penang to see the second season match and meet brothers Erfan and Dato Vida in the near future,” he said.
Credit Photo : Kelantan FC